Saturday, February 2, 2013

Rabbits in Children's Literature

While researching for the previous post, I came across a list on Amazon of the top ten rabbits in children's books. Until now I had not realized how many books I had enjoyed when I was little about bunnies.

Of course, "Peter Rabbit" is a classic. However, as a child it bothered me that Peter blatantly disobeyed his mother. Clearly I was the good child in my family.

Another classic, and another book which played with my emotions, but I was so happy for the velveteen rabbit to be reunited in the end. Now I have my own velveteen rabbit of sorts.

Another list of bunny books is supplied by Scholastic.

Not entirely sure, but this one seemed familiar. A few of the "Max and Ruby" series were listed as well.

This one was a particular favorite of mine. I believe it is still on our book shelf and can also be found on Amazon, under Rabbits- Animal books.

This last one didn't make any of the lists (at least not in the first five pages of the last one) but I remember reading it around 2nd grade.

What are a few of you favorite bunny books?

(images courtesy and


  1. I like Guess How Much I Love You? Thanks for sharing the above.

  2. Oh, and Peter Rabbit has been translated into Egyptian hieroglyphs by the British Museum.

  3. I loved the Velveteen Rabbit! There was another book that I used to frequently check out from the school library when I was in elementary, but I cannot remember what it was called! If I do, I'll come back and post...

  4. My mother-in-law bought my 3 yr old son The Velveteen Rabbit. After reading it once to him, I refuse to read it again. At least not until he's older!

    Bunnicula! I had forgotten about that one. I love that book!

    Guess How Much I Love You? Goodnight Moon and Biscuit and the Bunny are favorites here.
