Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Exploring the Outdoors

Finally got up the courage to take Umbra outside! I don't know who was more nervous, me or her, but it turned out to not be so bad after all... especially once Umbra discovered that the floor is made of food.


  1. you should try fencing off a section for her,you can use chicken wire fence roll and garden stakes/staves.just hammer them in to the ground in a circle or square or what ever the shape of the area that you want to fence off,then wrap the wire around the out side of the stakes and use cable ties or wire ties to fix to the stakes that way you can make a big safe area for Umbra to play in,she looks lovely in the video

    1. we used to have a pen around our hutch where we kept rabbits when I was a child, but it has long since been torn down. The only problem is convincing my mom to let me build a new one.

  2. Yes, yes, nothing is quite so soothing or encouraging as discovering the floor is made of food. You have a lovely bunny.

  3. Yeah, Moshi NEVER liked the outdoors. Had some adventures with that.

    Haven't attempted to take Jamili or Ashy... I don't know about Jamili, but since Moshi didn't like it, Jamili never went out. And now with Ashy, that bunny flinches with the buzz of a fly, so... yeah...

    1. Umbra is certainly not super shy kind of bunny. She's got balls. This is the rabbit who once stood up to a beagle.

    2. of course she did she's a rexie they are bolshy and not afraid of any thing.hehehe

  4. That looks like fun! Where we live there are many hawks and eagles. We have to watch all the time when the bunns are out in the open ...
